The Author & Contact Info


March 19, 2013

Thank you for being here. I welcome you with open arms, open heart, and appreciation.

My pen name is “Samantha Craft.” I am the author of this blog: Everyday Aspergers. I reside in the state of Washington in the USA and hold a Masters Degree in Education. I have an official diagnosis of Asperger’s Syndrome. My middle son also has an Asperger’s diagnosis.

In February of 2012, shortly after realizing I had Aspergers, I started writing this blog.

Some of these articles have been published in a peer reviewed journal. All are copyrighted.

You can find me by clicking the like-page on Facebook to your left.

And to all the friends I have made along this journey: thank you

(My new blog started in May of 2013 is here: Belly of a Star)

Much Light and Love to You,

Sam ❤

Hello All.

I hope you are well during these challenging times.

I am writing to provide a few updates (2020) for anyone who happens upon this homepage.

My third blog is a bit hard to find, since I changed the domain name. Here is the direct link to Everyday Autistic. My artist’s blog is Belly of a Star.

Here is the Autistic Trait’s List.

Here is my company website Spectrum Suite LLC, which includes 100s of resources and our services page.

Here is a link to one of my Linkedin Articles that will bring you to my profile and some articles there!

My new works include much advocacy for Universal Design in the Workplace, which equates to true inclusivity, where all employees are given opportunity to the same support measures and community engagement, such as the same best-practices interviews, job coaches, support team; not just one marginalized minority, e.g., autistic individuals.

I am working on a book on empowerment on the autism spectrum.

I am my waving from afar, and wishing you so very well! I cannot believe it’s been 8 YEARS!

I now call myself a ‘neuro-minoriy’ (coined by Judy Singer) and consider myself a neurodivergent-blend (coined by me!). I am neurodivergent-blend because of my autistic profile, gifted-intellect diagnosis, dyslexia, dyspraxia, OCD, etc. etc. etc.

Feel free to connect on twitter or Facebook.

I’m on the bottom right, in the photo below, speaking at the Stanford Neurodiversity Summit. You can find out what we’ve been up to on the website. Here is a 10 hr.+ video of Day 2 at the Summit!

My book is now available around the world in paperback! Check out Barnes and Noble or Amazon.

Everyday Aspergers is an unusual and powerful exploration of one woman’s marvelously lived life. Reminiscent of the best of Anne Lamott, Everyday Aspergers jumps back and forth in time through a series of interlocking vignettes that give insight and context to her lived experience as an autistic woman. The humor and light touch is disarming, because underneath light observations and quirky moments are buried deep truths about the human experience and about her own work as an autistic woman discerning how to live her best life. From learning how to make eye contact to finding ways to communicate her needs to being a dyslexic cheerleader and a fraught mother of also-autistic son, Samantha Craft gives us a marvelous spectrum of experiences. Highly recommended for everyone to read — especially those who love people who are just a little different.”~ Ned Hayes, bestselling author of The Eagle Tree

77 thoughts on “The Author & Contact Info

  1. very happy to know you Samantha Craft 🙂 so, if I understand correctly, you found out that you have Aspergers AFTER you found the same thing about your son? 🙂

  2. Your words have helped me to understand, not just myself, but my son, who was recently diagnosed with AS. Throughout the process of evaluating him, I have come to recognize that I likely am dealing with the same issues and yet, how do I focus on myself, when he needs so much support.
    If you have any advice, I would greatly appreciate it. I am struggling with the conflict of helping myself while helping my son… There is so much more, but I just wanted to say… Thank you. Bless you. You’ve given me my epiphany and regardless of the validation I get for myself, I am learning to understand myself better and accept who I am, as I am. Thank you, Sam, for being a mentor for us all.

    1. You are most welcome. What comes from my heart, Pamela, is the more you love and help yourself, the more you will be able to support and uplift your son. It may seem as if you need to focus on him more fully, but in focusing on yourself, as well, you can teach him valuable lessons of self-love, self-accepance, coping, striving, and succeeding. I wish you all the best. Many blessings. And it does get easier. ❤

  3. I just love your site. There is so much helpful information here. I strongly suspect that my son and myself have Aspergers. I am going to get the ball rolling on having my son assessed. I was just wondering if adults are ever formally diagnosed and if there is a benefit to having myself assessed.

    1. Yes, adults get diagnosed all the time. Benefits vary…..for some it is peace of mind, closure, for others it helps with employment or schooling. Wishing you the best. And thank you for the comment. 🙂

  4. Hi! Thankyou so much. I am a, so far, self diagnosed Aspergirl and am waiting for diagnosis. I am 66 years old and just learned to take a shower without setting off severe PTSD. I was a strange child and no one knew why. Now it all makes sense. I recognize myself in almost every word!
    Check out Food Addicts in Recovery, really works and helped me so much I can’t tell you!

  5. When our daughter was young (now 46) her problems were a mystery to those we sought help from – She had difficulties but was not intellectually handicapped so she did not fit any of their categories. I am afraid because of the long journey to get help that she feels abnormal, has been hurt by her peers and even avoided by family members and told so many times many of the above “things not to say to…” , particularly, be more positive, pull yourself up, etc. She now is mostly a hermit and has few, if any, satisfactory relationships. Your information about aspie females is most helpful and I would love to have a copy (where can I get/buy one?) for family education. It is right on the money as far as her difficulties. Computer use to too frustrating for her personally with her motor control problems. Acceptance and compassion would be furthered by understanding how she sees the world and herself and I would love to get this information into family hands (and minds!) Thank you for your reply.

    1. I think the magazine I wrote the article can be ordered in back issues. The link is above to the magazine. Might I suggest friending me, if you can’t figure out how to order from there. I have misplaced the phone number, but they mail issues, as others have ordered. You also may print the traits or others for your personal use to help your daughter. Feel free to friend me on facebook, if you go on facebook or join our like page where there is a community there. I am glad your daughter has you. Much love.

      if you can’t find how to order, remind me, and I will get the number for you.

      1. Thank you for your response. What magazine contains your article? I am really interested. I tried to print the traits but only the blogs started printing. I am not on facebook but thanks for the offer. I am not very tech savy! Thanks again for your help.
        Kathryn Williams

  6. Hello Samantha, I like your site. I think I have Asperger´s S, too. It is so, as if I had a glass wall around me. Being different is sometimes difficult, but it helps me to know why I am so, and to know that there are more people who are like me.
    Thank you for your site. 🙂

  7. COGNITIVE CLARITY FIRST then reprogramming can be done. I am a neuro-typical husband. My beautiful wife is an apsie with OCD. I have been able to CORRECT the main cause (this is a neurobiological issue). All of our boys have a piece of the aspie as well. The corrective measures are from the use of supplements (not meds). I did all of the research on my own and made observations for over 2 years now. It has been incredible what the benefits are with the supplements. It has basically fixed the audio processing problem that they all have and some of the over-thinking from intrusive thoughts. They now all have cognitive clarity and are able to work out daily conflicts or misunderstandings. CBT and biofeedback are now affective. And, it is a current and forward working progress. The past, in many cases, will work itself out. This has been easier with the younger boys age 17 and 20. All aspie family members are taking 2 Omega-3 and 4 Nuerolinks from Amen Clinics. They take this dosage 3 times a day and sometimes a “booster” (half dose) late afternoon. Please go to Amen Clinics website and click on the store button and read and read and read. Go get their books. Learn the functions of the brain and how aspie brain wiring tends to be different. The main benefits that my family receives is “brain food”; the omega-3 assist in the general overall health of the brain. It’s like oil for a car engine – just gotta have it, it makes the car or brain run smoothly. The Neurolinks have to roles: the first are the calming affects to areas of the brain that are overactive, it takes away the “noise” and calms it down; then, the other ingredients, amino acids, pick up the activity of the areas of the brain that lag. As one of the Amen clinic doctor’s told me “imagine a person with poor vision who then puts on a pair of prescription glasses for the first time”. Please note that the dosage stated was not taken immediately. We worked on that amount over a couple of months. However, effectiveness was immediate! And, noticeably, with each dose, it takes about 3-5 minutes to get the nutrients to the brain. The next 3-6 months bring remarkable improvements! FYI… if you are not sure what the heck this is all about then please call the clinic and pay for one of their consultants and ask questions! This may not be an answer for all of you, however, I know it works first hand!!! My statement to aspies is to simply know this: today’s science is all about the brain and we no longer just focusing on nourishing the body to be the best athlete or in good health. Also, a side note, we recently started taking one NeuroPS from Amen Clinics twice per day, more brain food. In addition, if this does not phase you or seems expensive then experiment on yourself with foods that may do the same. Example, how do you feel after eating a big piece of salmon (omega-3) and maybe avocado (tryptophan)? Also, another side note – D3 is very affective for Alzheimer’s!!! Mom is taking 3 doses per day of 2000 IU from Bluebonnet Nutrition, another great source of quality supplements. Again, a side note, most psych and medical professionals are way behind in this stuff. Please benefit from this! God Bless!

    Hi Samantha, I first posted this 2 days ago under Asperger Traits. I made some corrections and changes. Please feel free to copy the above and paste over the original post. I am just starting to reach out to others so that they may try the approach I have taken with my family members. I hope to receive some positvie feedback. Thank you, Mark

  8. Samantha Craft
    My name is Lydia Jefferies. I am a writer, a worrier, and a misunderstood, belittled Aspergic (not that there is such a word).
    I am also a woman, and I am getting on for sixteen-years-old.
    I have recently been bullied, not listened to, and misdiagnosed by a frankly odious excuse for a psychiatrist. I feel very sorry for the psychiatrist. As I read in an informal memoir by an Asperger man, people who are cruel to others have to live with themselves 24 hours a day for the rest of their lives. This must be very hard indeed, if you are anything like the psychiatrist.
    This psychiatrist has just diagnosed me with Social Phobia/Anxiety and OCD. The report he wrote was full of holes and misinformation, as well as a silly account of who I am, and of who my parents are.
    I live in England, so I was forced to be assessed by CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services). My parents have known that something was ‘wrong’ since I was a baby. I was informally diagnosed by CAMHS when I was about six years of age, with anxiety. My parents, who I am exceptionally close to (especially to my mother) both felt, even then, without knowing anything about Asperger’s, that anxiety was not what I had or have. I was educated at home by my ex-teacher mother, and I saw CAMHS no more after the first diagnoses (which, for the record, they made after seeing me for thirty minutes, drawing a picture and not saying a word!).
    Last year, when I started to research Asperger’s after watching a television show in which a character was autistic (a woman, incidentally), I found that everything just ‘clicked’. Sensory problems, motor skills (or lack thereof), social mishaps, literal thinking, some degree of savantism…it all just made sense. My parents agreed, and so we contacted my doctor, who referred us to a paediatrician. The paediatrician said verbally, and in a letter, that she thought it almost certain that I had Asperger’s syndrome. She even verbally, informally promised me a diagnosis. I had a follow-up assessment by a SALT (Speech and Language Therapist). She, too, said that I had Asperger’s. However, as there were issues with my obsessive fear of germs and my emetophobia, she referred me to CAMHS to speak with a psychiatrist. A week later, she sent a letter that my parents and I believed to be a diagnosis.
    A few months later, when I went to see the psychiatrist, we arrived two hours late (I was very scared). After speaking to him for a few minutes, he said I was ‘clearly very disabled’ and that I ‘gave up easily’, which I do not. He made plenty of other faux pas throughout the following sessions.
    According to him, due to the fact that I had researched Asperger’s online and ‘knew too much about it’ he decided not to assess me using the official checklists. Instead, I attended several sessions (totalling about five hours altogether) in which we discussed three of my problems – or rather three respective occasions in my lifetime – and he tried to ‘confuse me with chairs, his expressions, and with his body language’ (so he tells us).
    Then, he questions me with an OCD checklist, and I answer ‘no’ to most of the questions. He then diagnoses me with OCD and social phobia/anxiety.
    He gives terrible reasons why he thinks it ‘highly unlikely’ that [I have] an ASC’ and terrible reasons why he thinks I have OCD and social phobia. I have reason to believe he may have planned all along to give me the above diagnoses.
    Either way, I am utterly confused. I am not going to fight anymore with him, or have anymore contact with CAMHS. My aunt, who has experience in such things, says that fighting with them is futile. She has seen many families fall apart as a result of a pointless battle.
    I apologise profusely for such a long and rambling story, but I have heard a great deal about you and your experience in the field of women with Asperger’s and I felt it necessary to ask: what do you think?
    Thank you very much,
    Lydia Jefferies,Contemporary Fiction Author

    1. This is such a common experience, even in USA. It really breaks my heart. You are so highly intelligent, clearly in the way you write. I hope that you find some answers with professionals who are open minded. Thank you for sharing your story. You aren’t alone. A lot of women and young women are in the same situation. I wish you the very best. Friend me at the side of this page.. my like page, and then we can talk on facebook. Sam

      1. Thank you for replying, it’s very kind of you to take the time to read my comment.
        I don’t have Facebook, unfortunately (I find it a very stressful online environment, and too social for my liking), so I don’t know how we could talk again – perhaps I could just write follow-up comments to this if necessary?
        Again, thank you so much for reading my comment.
        Lydia 🙂

  9. It’s very interesting to read about the numbers of traits that are so close to my own, especially when I was younger. My question is: Does having an official diagnosis of Aspergers change things? Is there some type of behavioral therapy or medication or even looking into things like yoga/meditation that can help some of the anxiety-riddled episodes that I have dealt with on a near-daily basis? I have found prayer to be helpful, but I know it only helps me cope, never to change who I am and how I am hard-wired. Listening to music soothes that noisy mind of mine, but again, this is merely a temporary fix.
    Just curious if anything has emerged from a woman’s Asperger’s diagnosis that could help tame some of these inner dialogues where we know intellectually some of our actions or behaviors are not ‘normal’ but we somehow seem unable to fix or change things.

    1. This is a huge question. Feel free to contact me. Look under author’s information and facebook me. Yes, it helps for some with closure, but professionals, in my opinion can do nothing beyond that… offering diagnosis and sense of closure. For me I need to find my own avenues to escape anxiety: Buddhist readings, listening to visualization tapes, writing, poetry, art. etc. :))

  10. My name is Margaret Bates & I’m 64.I’ve suspected for about 3yrs that I might have an ASD since a disagreement with my daughter-in-law during which she told me the many things I’d said or done that had upset her – all news to me; I’d thought that we were friends.
    I now realize that I’ve been coping & trying to fit in for years & that I don’t have character flaws – it’s just the way my brain works.
    When I’m stressed my mind is full of words which I need to sort & analyse. It helps if I can address my thoughts to someone – real or imaginary.
    Looking at some of my poems I can now see that they illustrate many of the traits on your list.
    Here are a couple:

    Only Pretending

    I’m a good wife.
    I cook, I mend,
    I shop, I clean,
    And I say that I love you.
    Am I only pretending?

    I’m a good mother.
    I comfort, I clothe,
    I teach, I protect.
    And I say that I love you.
    Am I only pretending?

    I’m a good daughter.
    I visit, I talk,
    I give, I respect.
    And I say that I love you.
    Am I only pretending?

    I’m a good friend.
    I listen, I help,
    I laugh, I advise.
    And I say thay I love you.
    Am I only pretending?

    I play many parts;
    A daughter, a friend,
    A mother, a wife.
    You say that you love me.
    Are you only pretending?

    It’s too quiet.
    The quietness is full of words,
    Empty words
    That say nothing.
    I suck them out of the air
    And pull them inside.
    They flow through my veins.
    Words in my head.
    Behind my eyes.
    Examine them.
    Are they mine?
    The air is cold.
    The words are cold.
    Their meaning melts
    And runs like tears.

  11. Hi Samantha,
    My name is Carol. I have not been “officially diagnosed” an Aspie, but over the past few year’s it has become quite evident to me and most profoundly, as I read and relate to your blogs, ect.
    I have cried … as if to have finally found myself, a kind of discovery that so much of what I didn’t understand, suddenly make’s sense. And yet, at the same time, I find myself relating to the kind of emptiness you describe. Although, that does come and go with all the “other worldly” thought’s and feeling’s. It seem’s so much of what you write about is predominantly “me”. I wish practically everyday that maybe today will be the day that I am finally “beamed” back up!
    Anyhoo… Here we are… 🙂 Thank you for all your beautiful word’s. I feel a kind of kinship to you and to them. Please continue to share and hopefully, through comments like mine, in return you will feel … love.

  12. Hello Sam,

    I just wanted to say that I’ve been back to your page almost every day since I was unofficially diagnosed Aspie by my doctor. I’m 39, a mother of three and step mom to three, and I would never have thought to look into Asperger’s to explain all the things I do and feel. Your blog has helped me so much to come to terms, and feel like I’m not alone. Thank you so much for your contribution, your time, and your honesty.

  13. I have finally realized that I have Aspergers through reading of your blog. I have been bullied all my life (I’m 37), struggled with OCD as a kid, have a hard time making friends and keeping them, feel exhausted after a simple conversation with someone, don’t know how to have the appropriate amount of eye contact, etc., am extremely sensitive to smells, sights, and noise, and just have thought that I was a freak this whole time. I am tired of analyzing every move I make or thing that I say. Is there something that helped you learn how to make social interactions less painful? I am so tired of not having friends and being hurt by people that I would be happy never going out again. However, I have to force myself because I want my two toddlers to have friends and learn social skills. I don’t believe that they have autism.

    1. You know, I would say going to 12 step meetings in my 20s helped me the most and reaching out even though i was scared and might face rejection. I just never give up. I lose friends but I keep and gain friends, too. Also, reaching out to aspie women online helps too. See my like page on the left hand side of the blog. Much love to you.

  14. Dear Sam,

    I’m Myriam Leggieri and I’m a PhD student in computer science
    ( with a passion for
    social issues. Since social work doesn’t pay much, I’m trying to use my
    programming skills to help society nonetheless, especially those people
    more in need. I volunteer for an autism-related charity in my city,
    Galway, Ireland (Galway Autism Partnership) and that’s where the idea of a mobile app to support independent living for adult with autism raised.

    I’m currently developing a mobile app called “My Ambrosia”
    ( that is a weekly meal recommender (for healthy diet
    style), planner (to take the fuss out of organizing) and grocery
    shopping support (to never waste or run out of food items).

    The idea was accepted to the second stage (out of three) of the Student Entrepreneur Awards competition, so that I’m now in the process of writing a Business Plan.

    In particular, I’m running a Market Research and I’d love to get
    feedback on the concept behind my app, from adults with autism. I’m a little struggling with this
    because all the charities I contacted deal with children and parents of
    children with autism, rather than with adults.

    Could you kindly help me out by simply filling the questionnaire at , please? Also it
    would be super-awesome if you could spread the word and ask your friends to fill the questionnaire.

    I read that you usually eat the same thing for long time frames. I wonder, how would you like an app to recommend the best meal for you, taking into consideration your own preferences? Maybe the recommender could stick to only a small set of food items that you like in this specific time period. It would suggest the best combination of those food items which may not be the healthiest ever but still as healthy as you can get, while satisfying your current wishes.

    Thanks a million in advance! and keep up the great work!

  15. First and foremost, I am going to show my daughter this site. She is 13 years old and lives with Asperger’s Syndrome. She is struggling ALOT. Accepting who she is and why she is the way she is has created so much anxiety for her. One of your articles, ‘Asperger’s Traits (Women, Females, Girls) has really peaked my interest. I should like to copy this and present it to my daughter’s teachers/E.A.’s and school authority. Sometimes, black and white is what some people need to at least attempt to try and understand my daughter. With your permission, may I please copy this article and have them read it? Thank you.

  16. I don’t have a Facebook account or any other social internet connections, but I wanted to be able to communicate somehow. I have never heard anyone say or write, the thing’s running endlessly around in my mind. I am very alone, as I do not have a diagnosis and am terrified to even attempt to obtain one. Like others, I have been diagnosed with other things. Though some may be close to true, none of them fit like Aspergers. I am afraid to even mention it to my family. I have such a hard time understanding everyone, and their apparent insensitivity. I am always sensing lies, from other people. Lying is so wrong, and the act of being fake. (Or what I perceive as fake? or lying? I am always questioning this awareness.) I try to fit in, but I wind up blurting out things that most people wouldn’t… Small talk- what is that? I am always asking what in the world is wrong with me? Until I found this site. I read things here and I say to myself- Oh my, there are other people thinking, feeling and living the same life as me. I guess I will just have to draw inspiration from not being alone, through your web blog. I feel the need to run with all of this new found information, run to someone in my life, and say look!!! Look it’s me!! But I know how that will be met. Not with the same enthusiasm… since I know that all the people in my life are in denial in way or another. They won’t understand, nor will they want to.
    I hung a magnet on my refrigerator that says “I can explain it for you, but I can’t understand it for you”
    No one understands it.
    Thanks for being. I stumbled here while attempting to find answers to why I am who I am. I believe I have.

  17. I too have Asperger Syndrome and found your blog by merely searching via the net.Still I sincerely wish to say that many of the things that you have spoken about make a great amount of sense and understanding on all accounts.Keep up the good work.


  18. I’ve recently found your site and it honestly feels like I could have written all of this. Convinced I’ve been undiagnosed for 30 years and no clue where to go from here. It just explains SO much. Thank you!

  19. I just came upon your site & learned so much. Our grandson is 15 years old, and was diagnosed with aspergers around 8 years old (I think). It’s been an interesting journey for us, but a nightmare for his parents. They get cycled: discouraged – encouraged – discouraged. I’ve been trying to learn as much as I can so, hopefully, I’ll be able to be an encourager & inspiration as he goes through life. He will be starting the 11th grade next week, and I think he would benefit from a blog/website like yours, but that is focused on males/boys/men with aspergers syndrome. I think our grandson is trying to learn about being an “aspie”. Do you know of any such sites? Thank you for what you have been doing for so many!

    1. I do not. but if you join the Facebook link to the right of this page we could private message and I could ask the group there for any suggestions/links. Best wishes. And I am happy your grandson has you. 🙂

  20. Dear Everyday Asperger’s,
    I would like to ask you a question about the voice of autism but prefer doing it privately. will you allow me to send you a direct e-mail?
    Thank you very much,

      1. Hi. I don’t have Facebook, so I am commenting here. I was wondering if in the future you would consider having a guest blog or a guest section on this post where other women with AS could post their thoughts & experiences. They could be people you screen beforehand. Of course, the decision is yours. I think if more people united under one “shingle” that there would be a greater impact for helping other women on the autism spectrum. This is a suggestion pressure 🙂

  21. Hi there, I originally came across your blog looking for ASD resources as I am a researcher with Stanford’s Brain Development Project. I ended up staying to read through your posts and wound up in tears as my older sister recently self identified as an Aspie. So many things you wrote really touched me and even in reading through the comments I felt this sense of belonging I would like so much for her to find. Your words are beautiful.

    I have never commented on a blog before and do not know the proper etiquette so please forgive me if I am not going about it correctly. I would love a chance to hear if you have any suggestions for how our lab at Stanford can go about connecting with the ASD/Aspergers community in a way that can help give some feelings of ownership over the research being done back to the community.

    If you are open for that please email me at the email.

    Thanks so much and your words are really beautiful. I need to call my sister and apologies for a few things now. : )


    1. Hello, what a wonderful comment. I am not sure how to email you. You can facebook me on the left side there and private message me on that site, if you wish. I couldn’t find an email on the research link.

  22. Thank you for this wonderful blog! I can’t tell you how many things you’ve said that I have felt or thought so many times but never articulated.

    I’ve been going down the rabbit hole of self diagnosis for the past year or so. I first read an article about Aspie women and had one of those earthshaking, stomach churning moments of self-identification. I seriously felt horrified and embarrassed — all of those things that you feel when you realize that something is so very much like you that they could be writing about you. There is so much stigma, and a huge part of me has ached to be normal while knowing my whole life that I am different than everyone around me.

    As I read and learn more, I try to let go of my judgement about myself and accept that my reality is different. Maybe even unique. But certainly valid. And all of those qualities we offer of insight and empathy and introspection and deep sensitivity are such gifts.

    I am 46. It seems so late to be discovering something so fundamental about myself. I wonder if an official diagnosis would be helpful? (I’ve so far scored Aspie with flying colors on every online test and book I’ve read).

  23. Hello Sam.

    You blog was recommended to me by a fellow blogger Kmarie. At Brock University, we are beginning to collect the original work of people with ASD and Aspergers – blogs, letters, diaries, photos, emails, etc. What we wish to preserve is the voice and history of ASD in North America. There are no other institutions that are actively pursuing this and there is a possibility that such works could be lost permanently.

    I have been reading your blogs. They are wonderful. I love your writing style, honesty, passion and outlook. The topics you choose to write about are great. As a father of young two boys with ASD, I hope that they will have such confidence as they grow up.

    If you are interested in having Brock University preserve your blogs, please contact me at your convenience. In the meantime, here is a link to our Autism Collection website – My contact info is available from this site.

    Thanks for sharing this part of your life with everyone. It is very generous and helpful in so many ways.

    David Sharron
    Head of Special Collections and Archives
    Brock University Library
    St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada

  24. I am 53 years old and have just realized in the last week that I have Aspergers. I’m horribly sad (because I’ve wasted a LOT of time trying to “fix” myself)…I’m massively angry (because no one saw this) …and I’m overwhelmingly happy to know that what is going on with me is not something that I can control. I can finally breathe full breaths…I can just BE without second-guessing everything I say and do. I am so grateful to you for your writing…you will never understand how much you have helped me understand ME. I feel like I’ve been given a do-over…and so, I begin again! Thank- you…thank-you…thank-you!

  25. I just wanted to thank you for writing ASPERGERS TRAITS (WOMEN, FEMALES, GIRLS). All of my life I have feared that I was just slightly insane. (really) You should hear the conversations that I have with myself on a daily basis…”Why did you say that ? Was that socially appropriate and OK ? Be careful how you close you get but don’t stand too far away. Don’t make anyone uncomfortable. Don’t be “weird”. ” On and on and on…the “make believe” friends growing up….escaping into my imagination…how many report cards where teacher’s wrote notes to my parents about my “daydreaming in class”…being a ferocious reader of just about anything I could get my hands on. It was not abnormal for me to have 4-5 books I was reading at the same time. Anxiety all the time…high anxiety when ever I had to “go out” for any reason…just going to get the mail at the end of the drive was sometimes overwhelming.. and my recovery time after school….how many time have I been told I was “lazy”, “uncooperative”, “useless”…its not that I didn’t want to be compliant..I just couldn’t move…I couldn’t get up and make myself “do life” one more second without a break……..It’s like you took a peek inside of my inner life and wrote my most vulnerable and intimate struggles on paper. I’m weeping. Like literally my eyes are leaking and I can’t stop.
    I’m. Not. Crazy.
    I’m normal. For me.

    Thank you.

  26. I am an autism specialist. My job is nit a job at all but rather a daily soul fufilling opportunity and experience. I love what I do and would be lost without my students. There are many traits of aspergers that I share. As Temple Grandin said, we are all on the spectrum, its just a matter of where. I just wanted you to know that your blog is beautifully articulate and real. You are the voice of so many who have not found the words yet. I am thankful for who you are and what you are doing. It really matters! Sending love your way!

  27. Hi, I am an aspie diagnosed as an adult. I find it very hard to find tips and suggestions for adults on the spectrum. It seems like only kids are affected and then it magically goes away. Do you have any resources for adults? I would really appreciate some help in this. Laura

    1. OASIS @ MAAP also has online groups for adults as well as parents. They have many resources, including books, DVD and links to the community.

  28. Thank you so much for having created this wonderful site. It helps me not to feel so alone with this. I spend much of my time trying to surface from the depths of my constant turmoil; but, I get exhausted and want to succumb to it, to let it be and not care and not try to change or fit in.

  29. Hello,

    I’m Clarice, an editor who passionate about autism dating. During my research of autism dating, I found your website, and your content is very engaging and high-quality. That’s why I’m was wondering if you’d be interested in a content marketing collaboration with me.

    I’d like to submit a well-researched article for your blog. I have brainstormed some topics which you’d be interested in. I also have a bunch of amazing resources that would link up perfectly in a well written, resource-rich, and informative article.

    If interested, I could submit some topics to you for review. These topics will fit your audience and their needs.

    Of course, if there’s anything specific you’d like me to focus on instead, I’m very much open to that! I’m looking forward to collaborating with you.

    Best regards,
    Clarice Mckinney

Thank you for your comments :)