116 Reasons I Know I Have Aspergers

116 Reasons I Know I have Asperger’s Syndrome

1.  Writing this list.

2.  Enjoying writing this list.

3.  Love, love, love animals and bugs.

4.  Do I have to leave the house?

5.  Nature is heavenly as long as I can stay clean.

6. Collector

7. Toys are objects to be organized, stacked, categorized, or cleaned.

8. Friday the 13th in 3-D three times because I think the number 3 is awesome!

9. Red fluffy socks with high-heels

10. Sweater on inside out, again.

11. Memorized how to spell and sing supercalifragilisticexpialidocious in an attempt to qualify for speech class.

12. I was Jacqueline Smith; never Farah.

13. Every stuffed animal named, categorized by birth, and kept until after college.

14. Snoopy in a chair looking out the back of the window of my first car.

15.  Seven days straight perfecting my penmanship before I began teaching.

16. Clever Clyde was a famous humanistic caterpillar in the stories I wrote.

17. Buddy One was my imaginary ghost friend.

18. Entering poetry (scam) contests.

19. Hamsters aren’t stuffed animals.

20.  Goldfish do die when left under the hot sun in a small bowl of water.

21. Childhood friends were students, the members of my club, customers, or placed in another subordinate position.

22. Backgammon pro by age nine. Cribbage pro by age fifteen.

23. Perfected Pac Man and Space Invaders while watching every episode of Three’s Company.

24. Called dumb blonde, in regards to getting jokes; I’m a brunette.

25. You do not sit with your legs spread while wearing a cheerleading skirt.

26. If I’m her best friend, why does she need more friends than me?

27. I have a confession to make, I was thinking about lying, but I didn’t.

28. Naïve, sweet, gullible, unique, hyper, interesting, odd…

29. I have 120 flaws; should I list them?

30. Don’t answer the phone!!!

31. Note to self: Read the birthday card before grabbing the money and jumping up and down.

32. Hello? Your toenails do need to be cleaned occasionally.

33. “Snob! You always look away.”

34. Victim, with her head down.

35. Statistically speaking your chances of dying from that are slim; I researched it for five days.

36. Website built, 100 pages total, in 5 weeks. Go baby.

37. Months and months on freebie websites equals toothbrushes, baskets, lotions, and much more.

38. I had the coolest property on Farmville.

39. Why do fantastic ideas the night before, not seem so fantastic in the morning?

40. Don’t answer the door!

41. I don’t want to go…It’s too much work for me to put on a bra.

42. Monopolize a conversation? Who me?

43. Depression, Anxiety, blah…blah….blah

44. Verbal processing

45. Can you say manuscript?

46. What exactly is a guilty pleasure? And why would people do something that makes them feel guilty?

47. I don’t understand, it’s old wives’ tales? Not old wise tale?

48.  Just Relax. Not comprehending. What does it feel like to relax?

49. Non-fiction galore.

50. Twitching and jumping because it’s museum time!

51. Oh no! You did not just change the plan.

52. Carpet, dirt, germs, clutter, blemishes, lips, breath….Yuck!

53. Don’t hug me right now.

54. Okay, you can hug me, but not too tight, that hurts.

55. Are my shoes on the right feet?

56. I wish I hadn’t sent them that garage sale crystal for their wedding present; what was I thinking?

57. Do you think she’ll like these earrings I never wore or a gift certificate?

58. What do you mean this letter might offend my professor?

59. Here’s a bruise, and another one. Look at this one.

60. Let’s drive around the block again and look for a spot. I can’t parallel park.

61. Group sports? Swinging a bat? Dressing for PE? Run in fear!

62. All the fun is in the planning. The party itself is terrifying.

63. Why do people bully and tease?

64. Give me a role or a part, and I’ll perfect it.

65. Should I dress like my best friend, my spiritual counselor, or the lady on my favorite soap opera?

66. I love having friends my mom’s age.

67. Monthly Bunco with the Episcopalian Retirement Group? Why not?

68. After-social-event debrief time: When I said this, do you think it was offensive? Why did she look at me that way? Should I have kept my mouth closed? Was that appropriate. I’m quitting Bunco; it’s too stressful.

69. My only friends in second grade, two twin boys, Chris and Jimmy.

70. My only friend in kindergarten, Keith. He moved to Hawaii.

71. Sure, I can write for ten hours straight. Can’t you?

72. Doesn’t everyone have a voice reminding them what to do during a conversation: make more eye contact, step closer, nod your head, smile, but not too big, insert giggle, let them talk more.

73.  Give me a passion and give me a week to learn everything there is to know about it.

74. Hypochondriac

75. Stop talking; you’re hurting my ears.

76. You smell funny.

77. Is that your natural hair color and how old are you?

78. Camping sucks.

79. Criteria for boyfriends? Criteria for friends? What?

80. Name an object. I can tell you 100 uses for it.

81. Let me fix the situation.

82. Just because the thought is in my head doesn’t mean it needs to get out. Or does it?

83. Crossing the street, so I don’t have to pass the stranger on the sidewalk.

84. How do you turn around at the halfway point of a walk without looking silly?

85. No events in college. One friend in college – before she stopped answering my calls.

86. ADHD, PTSD….blah, blah, blah

87. Therapists, psychologists, priests, reverends, psychiatrists, hypnotists, and the like are kind of clueless about recognizing Asperger’s in females.

88. I’ll just hang out in this closet until the party is over.

89. I’ll be in the backroom writing until the party is over.

90. I’ll be reading in the bathroom until the party is over.

91. Why do you ask me how I am when you don’t want to hear the answer?

92. IBS

93. Funerals are confusing.

94. Let’s practice small talk; the ritual is intriguing.

95. Queen of evaluation

96. Stopped eating lamb at age four, pork at age eleven.

97. Words are beautiful or painful.

98. Fixations, obsessions…blah, blah, blah

99. Let me organize your pantry.

100. I should have asked before buying a puppy?

101. What can I eat that doesn’t have pesticides, hormones, mutations, cancer-

causing ingredients, sugar, sugar-substitutes, dairy, preservatives, chemicals,

bleach…..I’m watching too many documentaries

102. Time for another organic juice fast. Time for more organic chocolate.

103. Either no one has ever flirted with me in my entire life or I don’t recognize


104. Give me a visual, a guideline, a rule, and stop all the jabber.

105. I can tell you exactly where anything is on my kitchen shelves; but don’t ask me where my keys are.

106. Imaginary play is confusing unless there is a script.

107. I like to analyze the sentence structure and grammar in fictional books.

108. It’s hard to recognize faces.

109. Do you want to hear this record for the fiftieth time?

110. I’m the one reading the Buddhist book at my son’s baseball game.

111. Listen to what I wrote. I edited it.

112. Grownups shouldn’t lie about Santa or that the government is looking out for our best interest.

113. I trust you.

114. I over-share.

115. I would be happy to eat the same meal everyday.

116.That fixation to write this list is gone. I don’t know why, it just is. (It really bugs me this isn’t number 113.)

I invite you to take a look inside of my book Everyday Aspergers.

Take a look here.

(I just deleted an entire paragraph explaining why I am uncomfortable with self-promotion. I’ll spare you the details!)

My publisher, Your Stories Matter, took great care to provide this ‘book-to-look’ version of the second edition of Everyday Aspergers.

(I’ve truly failed at promoting my own book. I usually promote Steve Silberman’s book in my travels and teachings. Typical me!)

Over a year ago, I decided to move my memoir from one agency to another. I made this decision to ensure the paperback was available outside of the USA. Here are ten facts you might not know about E.A.

The second edition of Everyday Aspergers : A Journey on the Autism Spectrum can be purchased on Amazon in several countries. It makes a great gift!

The new book cover is by a talented autistic author and writer. The pages, of the new edition, have photos and images from my childhood. I added a new end chapter. The layout, pages, and style are different. It’s the same story in an enhanced casing.


(I know. This is only MY story. Not yours.)

© Everyday Aspergers, 2012. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. https://aspergersgirls.wordpress.com

Hello All.

I hope you are well during these challenging times.

I am writing to provide a few updates (2020) for anyone who happens upon this homepage.

My third blog is a bit hard to find, since I changed the domain name. Here is the direct link to Everyday Autistic. My artist’s blog is Belly of a Star.

Here is the Autistic Trait’s List.

Here is my company website Spectrum Suite LLC, which includes 100s of resources and our services page.

Here is a link to one of my Linkedin Articles that will bring you to my profile and some articles there!

My new works include much advocacy for Universal Design in the Workplace, which equates to true inclusivity, where all employees are given opportunity to the same support measures and community engagement, such as the same best-practices interviews, job coaches, support team; not just one marginalized minority, e.g., autistic individuals.

I am working on a book on empowerment on the autism spectrum.

I am my waving from afar, and wishing you so very well! I cannot believe it’s been 8 YEARS!

I now call myself a ‘neuro-minoriy’ (coined by Judy Singer) and consider myself a neurodivergent-blend (coined by me!). I am neurodivergent-blend because of my autistic profile, gifted-intellect diagnosis, dyslexia, dyspraxia, OCD, etc. etc. etc.

Feel free to connect on twitter or Facebook.

I’m on the bottom right, in the photo below, speaking at the Stanford Neurodiversity Summit. You can find out what we’ve been up to on the website. Here is a 10 hr.+ video of Day 2 at the Summit!

My book is now available around the world in paperback! Check out Barnes and Noble or Amazon.

Everyday Aspergers is an unusual and powerful exploration of one woman’s marvelously lived life. Reminiscent of the best of Anne Lamott, Everyday Aspergers jumps back and forth in time through a series of interlocking vignettes that give insight and context to her lived experience as an autistic woman. The humor and light touch is disarming, because underneath light observations and quirky moments are buried deep truths about the human experience and about her own work as an autistic woman discerning how to live her best life. From learning how to make eye contact to finding ways to communicate her needs to being a dyslexic cheerleader and a fraught mother of also-autistic son, Samantha Craft gives us a marvelous spectrum of experiences. Highly recommended for everyone to read — especially those who love people who are just a little different.”~ Ned Hayes, bestselling author of The Eagle Tree

201 thoughts on “116 Reasons I Know I Have Aspergers

    1. Oh dear – I am a forty one year old woman with a son with Asperger’s – it didn’t occur to me that I also have it – until now! Well! That’s going to take some digesting… but it also explains so much!! X

      1. I just recently found out that I am too, after my sons diagnosis! It really is such an eye opener!

      2. that’s exactly how I felt when I was told my son had Asperger’s. I asked the dr “what is that?” & the more she explained, the more I seen exactly where he got it. ME! Took me quite a while to digest it.

  1. Great. I tried to make it light-hearted, as the 10 Traits I listed prior are so serious. There is a lighter side to having Asperger’s. Good to be able to laugh at myself. Though I am aware of the fact that having the condition can mean daily struggles. Thanks.

  2. This was great! I can really recognize myself in this. I also like your style of writing. It is fun, fast and fluent (Fx3 – I like the number 3 too ;-))

  3. So I just got to your blog and am in the process of reading the archives (something I do with every single blog I decide to subscribe to – aspie trait? definitely. But I like to know the WHOLE story of where someone is coming from.)

    I was keeping a running list of everything that I also identify with, but it got WAY too long, so I just wanted to say:

    “13. Every stuffed animal named, categorized by birth, and kept until after college.” – ZOMG YESSSS Me too!!!!! I LOVE my stuffed animals. All 294 of them. And they all have names and stories, and they live in my room at grad school and I am never getting rid of them. 🙂 I can name them all, too…

    I love your blog, by the way. It’s super amazing!

    1. I’ll take that as a grand compliment coming from you! Thanks so very much. Sadly, at my age, my stuffed animals are no longer with me, but you have inspired me to buy a new one, just for me! I’ll have to keep it away from my one little dog, though. She likes to devour them. Thanks so much for your comment; I love to connect with other like-minded people (and people of all minds, for that matter). I look forward to reading more of your blog. All 294 of them memorized — now that’s a true gift for memory!

  4. OMG!! I could almost go yea, uh huh, that’s me too! to every one of your items! Scary! I’m glad I’m not completely alone in this world!

    1. So nice to know we are not alone in the world. Keep in touch. Would love to hear more of your story. Scary at first, but then moves into a better category. (I love the OMG!! — that’s what I hear in my head a lot.) ~ Sam

  5. This is BEAUTIFUL.

    “Wait. Most people don’t think hard about how much or too little saying ‘mmhmm’ is necessary for a speaker to know they’re listening?”

    “Everyone I speak to must know about why domesticated rats and healthy eating are amazing. Everyone!”

    All Aspie girls rock their own variations of Aspergers, and I think it’s always so much fun getting to hear about them. I Clapped and squealed so happily reading this list!

    1. Thank you so much, Kristi. Glad you clapped and squealed! Glad you told me about domesticated rats and healthy eating. Funny to see them in the same sentence. lol. Thanks for giving me a tiny insight into your variation, and for the smile you brought to my face. 🙂 Sam

  6. I love this. Particularly 53/54 are so true.

    Thank you for sharing. I am really enjoying your blog.

    I remember seeing a piture of a monkey with a quote when looking at your blog before, and now can’t find it. Would you be able to post it again or tell me where it was?
    (I hope it was your blog and I haven’t imagined it)


    1. :)Smiles! You are welcome. Glad you could relate. I’ll keep my eyes open for the monkey. Can’t remember right now. Imagining monkeys isn’t a bad thing, though. hee hee 🙂 ~ Sam

  7. ha ha,very good,I knew of a lot of them threw my daughters way of looking at the world,brought a big smile to my face,cant wait to show her 🙂

    1. I have to do it… you meant to type, “I knew a lot of them through my daughter’s way…”

      Is this horrible? I’m horrible.

  8. LOL!! Can I list all the reasons why I love this…1. it’s me, 2. it’s me, 3. It’s me…LOL So funny to read about you and think about myself. Of course there are difference. It would be wierd if there weren’t. It’s just so fun and entertaining to read. I just love it. I think the thing I love most, is that you acutally had 116 things listed. That’s sooooo cool!!

  9. What a very interesting and unique blog. Fascinating on this list, I can certainly relate to several of the items. You have a very grand style of relating through your writing, it is a pleasure reading your words. Have you ever thought of writing a book on this subject?


    1. I am enjoying looking through your posts. I have a great love of Buddhist philosophy. I began reading on the subject last year. I love the idea of mindfulness. Some of my greatest moments of peace are found in being in the present and releasing fear. You have a wonderful energy to your blog. I will read some more. My goal is to write for about 300 more days for this blog, and then possibly write a book on Everyday Aspergers. But I find when I plan, and let ego take the wheel, I crash. So, I am taking this journey one moment at at time. Thank you for your kind comment. Sam 🙂

  10. I love that you are reading Buddhist books…my 11 year old Aspie daughter has found Buddhism on her own and stripped her room of all toys and most objects, so she can meditate peacefully. As a side note, I have to say that I recognize myself in an awful lot of these things. Yeah, that..and my therapist today told me that since my dad probably has Asperger’s, and my daughter does, I might need to read up on the subject a bit more as I examine myself in therapy (hint, hint) . She’s not the first person to point this out to me. By the way, I love all the references to parties. Man, do I feel uncomfortable in social settings. I’d rather poke toothpicks in my eyeballs.

    1. Your daughter sound marvelous! Wow. At such a young age. Deep thinker for sure.
      I venture to guess most moms with children on the spectrum have either many traits or all the traits of Aspergers.
      “toothpicks in my eyeballs” lol
      😉 Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Our facebook group has a lot of females with Aspergers, if you are looking to learn more. ~ Sam

  11. #60 cracked me up. I’ve only had my license to drive for little more than two years (I got it just before my 25th birthday) and my friends have had me park in the street and let them park my CR-V because I started to panic at the thought. And I too watch WAY too many documentaries I shouldn’t know exist.

  12. This was wonderful! I just laughed and laughed in self-recognition. I am new to your blog and *LOVING* it! Thank you for writing!

  13. Until reading this I never realised how.. I guess obvious it was I have aspergers, I literally can relate to everything on the list. I have only just been diagnosed and it feels like my boyfriend and family aren’t convinced all I hear is “you’re mostly normal” or “you’re not that bad” or of course “it could be worse”. My dad has aspergers and I just found out, he’s the only person who understands and all I can get out of him is a 3 second phone call 😦

    1. Thank you for sharing. I hope your family will support you. Aspergers comes with many great gifts, but it is important to have support and understanding. I understand about the dad thing, entirely. Hang in there. {{{hugs}}} ~ Sam

  14. ROFL! We are as one. Jacqueline Smith was the way to go!! I got a note home from the teacher in first grade about her concern that I only spoke to a couple girls at school… also a dumb blonde for not getting the jokes (brunette… at the time!), love the planning – not the party (!), and friends my mom’s age!! HAHA! That you could actually have 116 things for this list is awesome (and 1+1+6 =8 – which is how it’s meant to be). 😉

    1. LOL. Yeah! We’re brain twins! Oh goody, it does equal 8; I’m good with that! You’re funny. Good to be able to laugh. You couldn’t have been Jacqueline Smith because I was! We would have been cool best friends!
      Glad to know you…at least you are blonde now.
      Sam 🙂

  15. this is like a matching type quiz…ha ha ha…i was doing this “matching type” thing in my mind while reading your blog, Sam 🙂 🙂 this is fun…i’m like smiling and laughing all by myself reading your blogs…i was able to match almost all in your list…lol…it’s soooo nice outside…gorgeous Saturday…i’m actually debating on whether to go out for a long walk or stay home reading blogs…lol…can’t decide…oh wait…maybe i will…ha ha ha…have a fantastic Saturday afternoon, Sam…loving the weather today 🙂 🙂 love and hugsssss 🙂 🙂

  16. Girlfriend, no IBS or hypochondria, otherwise we are the same. Only recently diagnosed (but have known for some time), am still “out” to just a few. Your website is a huge comfort to me; it’s a relief to know I’m not a lazy freak. BTW, my fixation with the number 3 was pointed out to me over 20 years ago by other people. In one particular lecture hall, I always sat in the 3rd seat in the 3rd row. Perhaps that may be why I find watching baseball so restful; the beautiful symmetry of threes. Thank you for your list.

    1. Your first sentence made me smile. I can picture you there telling me “Girlfriend.” 🙂
      Another 3 lover! Yeah!
      I’ll have to try that seating arrangement.
      Thanks for reading and commenting.
      Glad to hear from you. 🙂

  17. Ok – this is so funny!! My 8 year old daughter is being evaluated for Aspergers. She is hilarious and quirky like you. This just made me chuckle. Reading your entries give me hope for her and puts a very positive, realistic outlook on her life. I love her so much. You make me understand her and I know she’s dying to be understood. Thank you SO much!!! I love your blog!!!

    1. Yay!!! Big Smile on my face. Happy Dance. So glad to hear. Oh, lucky you. What a joy and bright light I am certain your daughter is. And lucky her for having you as her mother. Much love to you. Feel free to join our support group listed atop the blog and comment anytime. Take Care, Sam 🙂

  18. Sometimes I wonder if I am high functioning Asperger’s Syndrome. I don’t know….I’m 18 and never been diagnosed but I have an inkling that maybe I am. At the very least I have some tendencies of people with Asperger’s..Just needed to share with someone. Also any recommendations on books or articles to read online? Thanks.
    Anyways I can really relate to many things on this list. Especially the ones about parties and #81. 🙂

    1. Hi there. I might suggest you join our facebook page listed above on this blog, if you want more support. Tony Atwood is the best resource in my opinion. There are some others Girls in Pink, Aspergers and Girls, Aspergirls…there aren’t a lot out there for females. My blog has a lot of the same information. Support group is probably your best bet. Thanks for sharing and contacting. Best of luck. HUGS. Sam 🙂

  19. Love, love, love your list. Of course it fits the bill after all it’s 116 Reasons Why I know I Have Asperger’s… LOL!!!!! Your list is wonderful and a great link between all of us aspies:-)

  20. I love this! I will be going through your blog archive to check out what else you have written. I’m 29, JUST finding out I have aspergers(haven’t been diagnosed yet, finding a dr is hard…) The reason I am just finding out is due to my 2 1/2 year old son who has been diagnosed mild autism (they think aspergers but can’t diagnose it yet because he’s not talking enough.) After doing tons of research everything makes sense in my life and how my childhood was.
    I very much enjoyed your list and would have checked all of them if this was an aspie quiz. lol

    1. Isn’t it amazing how so many of us moms with children with Aspergers/Autism are realizing we have the traits. So glad to hear from you, and glad also you are finding answers. Thank you for your kind comment and best wishes to you. 🙂 Sam

    1. Hi there. I believe there is much evidence to point to the fact that many children have parents or relatives with autism/Aspergers. Initial symptoms are available on many sites online. Autism symptoms are delay in speech where Aspergers is usually advanced speech. Best wishes on your journey.

  21. 93!
    Was I supposed to be counting all that apply to me? Probably not. I usually get things like that wrong. Sigh. At the “now what?” stage with accepting aspire-ness. Used to be in CB therapy. Kinda helpful. Antidepressants also a bit helpful with anxiety. Now finally getting to the realization at age 29 that aspie-ness is probably the underlying… thing.

    1. For me CB was a little helpful. The best for me so far has been connecting with other people who feel the same and understand how my mind works. And also finding an outlet for angst and emotions through writing and poetry….lots of walking is helping to. Nice hearing from you. 🙂 Sam

  22. Sure, I’d like to listen to that album again. I’ve had RUSH on near-constant replay for the past 3 months!

    IBS? No need to explain, ’cause I feel it too.

    I’m assuming you’re also lightning-quick to spot grammatical errors in obscure pieces of writing? Online news articles are among the worst.

  23. Hi! First-time reader, have absolutely NO IDEA how I stumbled upon your site, but (being aspie and all) I couldn’t help getting totally drawn into reading your posts from day 1. Tried to find the first post but could see it in the list of newest post to the right, so of course the most reasonable thing was to go to day 14 and then move in reverse to day 1 and start reading from the top. Still haven’t got there, though, because this list caught my eye and I love it. It’s so spot on. Maybe not every single detail, but in general.

    I especially agree on #91, why do they do that? And why do they get annoyed if I forget to ask them back, when it’s clearly a question of no importance to them? I will probably never really get that one, but at least I have that little voice helping me by saying: “I know, this ‘polite chit-chat’ thingy is a stupid routine, but it’ll somehow keep the peace…for now…so just play along…”

  24. Just came from the “Aspergers Traits” post, and this one was awesome as well- I loved the first person tone… so much of it was stuff I have totally thought, or sounded like things I can remember with embarrassing clarity saying to my mom, or her saying that I’ve said to her! Totally showing this to her… no doubt with unecessary enthusiasm and just enough pointing out funny points to make it a little awkwardly too much 😛

    (Me: Did that post make sense? Did I go on for too long? DARN IT now I know to look for myself thinking like that and I’m catching myself doing it!)

  25. Interesting list, I could only relate to about 20 of those statements, but I enjoyed it nevertheless.

    “Why do you ask me how I am when you don’t want to hear the answer?”—-An EXCELLENT question!

    68 sounds a lot like anxiety. I can relate to that & oversharing. I’ve got a few websites open and having a “reading blogs day” so you might see a few comments from me as I move back and forth between blogs.
    I tend to read them like books, and comment in one large hit. 🙂

    Actually number 68 applies to my blog-reading & commenting. I later wonder if I should have saved my thoughts in a word document and spread the replies out over time to appear more “normal”. 😉

  26. Omg, I love this. I have been researching aspergers as I believe my son is on the spectrum, and as I read I have found my answers to myself. This list cracked me up, thank you. Now I want to write my own, but first I need to pick at my eyelashes. You know, bc they feel wrong. Lol.subscribing 🙂

  27. I’m 51 and when I read your 10 traits I wept – I don’t indulge as a rule – too messy – so I’m not a freak of nature and there is a reason why people look horrified when they ask for my opinion. I have spend a lifetime locked out, told to put my hand down – give other people a chance – stop being a know it all. I stopped my PhD in the final year because I felt it was too easy and that all these learned people were fraudulently presenting the same work over and over again in different guises. I could go on and on – which would be SUCH a luxury but I don’t do that either. I’m hoping to get a diagnosis sorted. My daughter has said that if I got a definite diagnosis she would forgive me for what she says are the destructive and hateful things I have said. They have made perfect sense to me and were said out of love for her but apparently I have been so wide of the mark as to be orbiting planet disillusion.

  28. Wow. I think you are my twin & somehow we were separated at birth. (Do I need to add LOL there or is it obvious that was a joke?) With the exception of about 5 or 6 of your list items, they are me in a nutshell.

    I’m a grown ass woman just professionally diagnosed a week ago, self-diagnosed via the quizzes for a few years, but never researched it further. I didn’t want to get fixated on it if I didn’t really have Asperger’s.

    I am so glad to have found your blog! Thanks for the humorous spin. Such a relief somehow to see that I am not the only princess of wardrobe malfunctions.

  29. Holy. I might have this but with the DSM-V, that’ll be difficult but did have a traumatic childhood and adulthood. Instead of 113 reasons, I stopped at 200 (the last two were just quiz results). I feel like everyone is testing me though.

  30. Are you sure that what you are describing is Asperger’s?Didn’t that get canceled or something? If that’s the case, then what is this, does it still have a name, does it still exist?
    Because it fits me to a T and now I’m upset.
    All my life I have known (KNOWN) that i was the only normal person (kind, smart–IQ over 140–insightful, aware, organized, not frivolous, never bothered shaving legs/armpits cuz who has the time)–and now come to find out it’s been ME all along who’s the weird bird.
    I am miffed.
    I got a PhD and then refused to practice in the field because by then I had met all the luminaries in the field, as well as my colleagues completing their doctorates–and they were all dodos. The material was SOOO easy, what was the point, a bunch of posturing. Also, they kept stealing my research and then not inviting me to the conferences. Etc. Are you saying this is unusual?
    I don’t leave the house anymore. People were so mean. I get SO lonely out there.
    I helped start a non-profit, creating all the internal structures and administrative flow, and then a new person had me kicked out for having “the kind of personality we don’t like.” It has taken me close to a year to lick my wounds, I have been in such awful pain. Etc.
    Are you SURE this is what this is?
    Excuse me while I go talk to my plants.
    A friend of mine once gave me hugging lessons so I’ll end with hugs for you.
    Javelina (a nickname my husband gave me, for the wild boars in the desert southwest–don’t mess with them!!)
    PS I cry a lot.

    1. Yes, Aspergers still exists, it is being put under the umbrella of autism spectrum disorders. So it would be considered high-functioning autism… which most people with Aspergers disagree with, but that is the case. The DSM is controlled by drug companies….. so consider the source. I think those with Aspergers, will always be Aspergers. As my son with ASD said, how can they claim something that is real no longer exists. :))) Thank you for sharing part of your journey. We have a support group on line if you are interested. Best wishes

  31. Thank you! This blog is helping me so much. If I told you why it would be over sharing LOL Since You are a mother, can you write something to help single Aspie girls be safe dating. and maybe some ideas on how to date and all that stuff. I have had 3 bf in life. First one was aweful. 2 long distance and didn’t work. 3rd same and he was quite by accident probably an aspie.

    1. I have thought about that idea for a few weeks now. I will soon. But I have to be called to write. I write from the inside when I can’t stand to keep it in anylonger. So hopefully that topic will burst out of me soon. A very important subject, indeed. Light and Love, Sam

  32. Wow.

    4 30 40 35 38 59 81 83 71 73 58 3 97 101 105 109 110.

    I really hate it that I listed the numbers out of order. Does it even count when you do that? And I really really wanted to add the numbers together to see if I could detect hidden meanings from the total. But I’m using my phone and it would not let me get out to use the Calculator and come again. I tried adding it together in my head but I kept losing tract. I’m guna add them together once I post this otherwise it will bug me and ill feel lopsided till I know what the total was and then even though I wrote the numbers down ill lose them and ill have to remember this web address or spend days and days looking for it which is really OK I don’t mind researching stuff but is it really research or is there another word? I could use the thesaurus I really love the thesaurus more than any other book because I just love words. I don’t know why but its amazing how many words we have for the same thing. Well thank goodness I found your blog because now you know more about me than anyone I didn’t know all these signs were symptoms of as. I just thot, I don’t know what I thot but its true. Answering the door talking on the phone or going anywhere is excruciating. What is up with that? It used to really bother me I’d feel like a freak. But since I’ve gotten older I’m fine with me. That is that. I really could go on with more but I’m going now to add up my numbers.

    1. I loveeee adding numbers and finding hidden meanings. Have you seen the show Touch… it’s so good, all about numbers. Thank you for commenting and sharing. Glad you found your way here. :0) Much love

  33. For once I’m speechless! This list only reinforced what I have always known – that I’m a little bit, well, ”different”. But you know what? At the age of 35 I’m beginning to like that, instead of thinking there is something terribly wrong with me. Your post filled me with so many emotions – the “oh my God, that’s me!”, the outright laughter when I could relate to certain items on the list, and even tears of relief, that yes, there are other people out there who have these challenges. Thank you for taking the time to write this blog and share your experiences with us, and just as importantly, reminding us that many people with Aspergers are highly intelligent, creative and have a lot to offer if given the chance. I look forward to reading your other posts. D 🙂

    1. Yay! So glad to hear of your laughter. :))) Yes, lots of us out there, just now finding another. We have an online support group if you are interested. Much love to you. Thanks for taking the time to comment. Yes… tons to offer the world. Shine Bright.

  34. I sent this to my BFF when I got to the toy one (I just don’t get it. Why do they build the LEGO set and then take it apart again. IT IS MADDENING.)
    and did not stop laughing all the way through. You are so right in some of your other writings: there is a huge sub-group of us, experiencing a very similar set of behaviors. It’s nice to know that we’re slowly gaining some acceptance in the world.

  35. I seriously am crying right now. I came to your site to find out what is wrong with my daughter. My daughter that I am so connected to and understand completely, yet raising her is EXHAUSTING. So I’m reading your blog and I thought it was funny at first that you were describing my entire life. But then I got scared. Now I’m terrified. By the time I got to the bottom of your first list I found, I was shaking. By the time I got to the end of this list, I was crying and laughing. Laughing because I FINALLY found someone who understands me! But at the same time, crying because there’s nothing wrong with me. I don’t have asperger’s! It’s my daughter that might 😦

    1. Yes. I understand. And I understand the mixture of tears and laughter. Thank you for sharing your lovely comment. There is nothing wrong with us… we are lights for the world. Shine Bright.

  36. AHHHH….. SO I guess it’s not just me? Can we be friends? Do yiou also have issues with tone or being sarcatic? My former doctor told me that see doesn’t see Aspergers, oh and I am highly inteligent and love finding the roots of words. Do I have to go to bed, its late though. Know what I hate OCD and the high highs and low lows, oh and problem solving. I have all my toys since I was 5 and my parents keep them, they all have the dates I got them, their names and where they go in my room with a chart on the box. I do rocking pinching of jeans and scratching too, well when I’m frustrated or mentally overloaded. I read this and was like crap its me, oh and I’m Melissa. Thanks Bye. Huggles.

    1. I have been sarcastic without knowing it at times, and yes tone is difficult. I usually sound hyper or bored. lol. I’d say get a second opinion. Best wishes to you. Love the word Huggles. 🙂

  37. Hi. I was diagnosed as a 7 year old, 14 years ago with aspergers, nld and OCD, all of which at the time were manifested to an extreme level. I even had clinical speech delay and said my first word shortly before turning 4, before reciting disney movies as my form of speech for the next two years, so maybe high funtioning autism would have been a more suitable diagnosis, but I caught up fast. Your list was very relatable for the most part. I’m pleased to find other like minded females.

  38. Hi, I found this blog via google. I read most of your list but got too excited to be able to ask a fellow aspie about this. It’s related to the hurting hugs.
    Do certain sounds (such as a lint-roller being used on a sweater) and/or being in a stuffy room make you feel incredibly annoyed when you’re feeling extra-sensitive to stimuli (such as hugs)?

    1. stuffy rooms, or cold rooms, or hot rooms… yes, hard to handle. lint-roller…. not so much, but the hair in a hairbrush and such bothersome. I get extra-sensitive to all sorts of things. Thanks for commenting. :)))

  39. Nice to meet you too. When I read the english revision of 1 of Hans Asperger’s 1944 documents, I read something he had noticed about the abstract thinking patterns which start for most people in puberty, starts for people with asperger’s in infancy. Just an interesting fact I’d thought I’d mention.

  40. Yeah, that’s me. Wowsers! I’m 67 and 10 years ago diagnosed as an HSP. I am self-diagnosed ADHD – and now I can see the traits are about 50% Asperger. I see them in my ex-husband ànd my two sons too. And all is clear now. Thank you.

  41. Laughing out loud while reading this, so much ‘me, too!’. Regarding 103, the flirt blindness. 43 years ago, (well-endowed at 16, but oblivious to male reaction to those things) me in in a two piece swimsuit, on the beach in Florida. Two young men begin tossing a frisbee over me, apologizing for nearly stepping on me. I left.
    Earlier this year, I realized those fellows had been flirting with me.

  42. I’m am still in the discovery phase… reasonably sure I have this to some degree… my SPD is strong. I learned to spell antidisestablishmentarianism in fourth grade for extra credit in spelling!! haha … I LOVE animals, camping sucks, just let me be clean, do I have to leave the house, let me organize your pantry- oh yeah!! Oh oh oh- can we have a bra burning party? PLEASE?!

  43. You are my newest obsession! Where can I read more about your (and my) aspergers! I don’t feel so alone when I read your stuff! I’ve never felt so UNDERSTOOD!!!!!

  44. Friday night party for me – alone, reading your blog and having soooooo much fun and bonding (although it is passive and one-way, but at the same time it is not 🙂 love paradoxes) And do I wish to be anywhere else, doing anything else right now? No, absolutely not!
    I kind of felt like writing my own list straight away, but of course miss evaluation in my mind already gave me all the pros and cons of doing so, hence my original enthusiasm turned a little lazy.(in this moment I jumped from the sudden sound-effect of an unexpected visitor to my room…..a ladybird!!! She landed on the paper-lamp…very loudly indeed. 🙂 But after recovering from the shock I went to say hello :-)) By the way once I had a similar visitor, it was a giant white moth, with black dots on her, and she landed on me. Strangely, I was wearing a white top with black dots that night, and I could not stop wondering whether she was the animal manifestation of my soul, and spent half an hour taking photos of her and my top, and I felt so excited and blessed like a long-lost friend has just returned to me. She was refusing to fly off me, I placed her on my window edge and she flew back to me straight away. Isn`t that odd? But where was I? Yes, great list, checked a high percentage off for myself, and laughed so loud that I think my neighbors closed their window as a result. Especially at 65., 71. and 72.! Laughing of course was an outcome of bitter-sweet mirror moments, where I just had a flash-back of myself doing or thinking something painfully similar. Every morning I get dressed I have a range of roles and types of people (in terms of dressing style) on my mind, and I struggle to put something on which feels only ME, and does not make me feel labelled or just a copy of someone else. Sometimes when I wear lets say `sexy` stuff, I feel like I am trapped in this role, and have to be so graceful, and flirty, and confident, which I am absolutely not, so it makes me uncomfortable, however, I do play such role to a believable extent from time to time. well…enough said…I think I subconsciously feel challenged by the 10-hour writing sentence 🙂 I did not plan to write such a long comment…. so I guess even if I did not want to prove that I have Asperger`s, it would have been a difficult task to hide it in front of such knowing eyes of yours. 🙂
    Ciao bella, vielen dank, hasta luego

  45. A lot of it was true to me apart from leaving the house! I love to go out, not that I get a lot of chances to. I love parties, but I haven’t been invited since I was in year six in primary school 😦 And I wouldn’t want to eat the same meal every day because I like variation and I get bored with the same thing every day. I like change as long as it doesn’t mean giving up something that means a lot to me, that I can never return to.
    yes, I have been a vegetarian since I was nine, though. Ever since I found out where meat came from when we watched this thing about slaughterhouses, I was horrified! I’d take a veggie burger over a loin of beef any day… Yuck!
    and I agree with you 100% about the eating thing. I always worry about eating things containing chemicals, hormones, GMOs, sweeteners and artificial colours and preservatives, pesticides. I only want to eat natural foods that humans have not tampered with. We all know that GM foods cause infertility in women! And no I don’t trust the government one ten-fold. Even our government in the UK, are just as bad as America’s government, not better. They make all the wrong choices. Also I have become a bit of a hypochondriac in the past year. I have worried that I had Tetanus from stepping on a nail, IBS, and Morgellon’s. But I have gotten better with this now. Thanks for another brilliant list!

    1. Lovely to hear from you, again. Yes, lots in common, I see. I read all about tetanus… I learned it is caused from animal debris (poop) that used to get caught on the barbwire fences and such. This was the cause of tetanus, not the rust. That relieved my mind a lot. And the statistics are very low. lol.. I laugh as I obsessed about that just 6 months ago, and had to read about it. IBS is very common in Aspergers… I have it… but it’s much better now. As far as I know, it doesn’t really mean anything except stressful bowels…intestines that cramp based on stress or foods, etc. Talk to you again soon. :))

  46. 1 way I know I’m an Aspie — I wrote a great long comment, filled out the form and clicked to Post, was asked to enter my password, didn’t know it, had to re-request it, make up a new password, get logged in only to find out that in doing all that my comment was lost. Maybe someday I’ll have the gumption to share the comment again. 🙂 The gist of it was adding a new characteristic — that of telling everyone with great relief that I finally understand what’s wrong with me, for the hundredth time with the hundredth different psychological malady. I think I’ll just keep the Aspie thing to myself, except to share with other Aspies. 🙂 Bless you for every word.

  47. Number 3 is nice and all… but number 2 are pretty awesome also 🙂
    (I was born the 22 febuary at 2:32pm)
    I don’t mind going to a party… as long as no one minds me hiding in a corner with an iphone book

  48. I’ve been studying (both out of personal interest and in getting a BA in psych) autism since my cousins were diagnosed when I was in high school (13 years ago). I discovered the Highly Sensitive Person label in college. I’ve worked as a TSS with autistic kids for 3 years. But it wasn’t until July that I found a list of female AS traits and realized I was actually on the spectrum, not just “as close as you can get without being diagnosable,” as I used to say.

    I loved reading this post and being able to look at “us” in a more light-hearted way. Thank you!

    Here’s one of my own – yesterday I reviewed the new DSM-5 criteria while watching Lilo & Stitch to document all of the signs that Lilo is on the spectrum.

  49. OMG I laughed so hard. I made a similar list for myself or whoever I need to show it to. These lists are why I know I have Aspergers! Thank you!!!

  50. Stumbled onto your blog – and every part of me is screaming NO – no, incredibly intelligent people with intellectual hobbies and an awareness of all the things other people don’t think about in life, no, we are not the ones that need a label. We’re the freakin next stage in human evolution! All those dorks out there who can’t think about anything deeper than what their favorite celebrity is wearing, and what they’re making for dinner, and how to do their nails – and who think WE’RE the weird ones – they are the ones that need a label. Not us. No – we’re normal – they’re so shallow and heartless and empty, they’re all subnormal. They’re the messed up ones.

  51. Nice list. I laughed at #106! But 8 really is the best number. Perhaps because it is two number 3’s back to back – or should that be front to front? Anyway, like a mirror image anyhow. Put an 8 on its side and the line never stops because it represents and goes on for infinity, it is neater and tidier than a 3 which has loose ends and a sticky-out middle which looks untidy to me, it has two perfect circles – or zeroes, which is itself a magic number. In Binary it is represented by the third digit from the right. It is the cube of 2 so, 2^3. Cool.

    And yes, I have asked to be tested for AS…

  52. Okay. So, I am 47, and for the last year, I have been sure that this is ME. It’s a relief, actually, to know there are more like me out there. Here’s the problemo–hubby doesn’t agree. That doesn’t make me question my discovery at all, by the way. I’ll get around to getting it made official at the psych department at Kaiser, unless I decide that I don’t wan’t another “condition” on my medical records. Depression has made for trouble enough regarding insurance. So maybe not. HIPAA my butt.

    So, while I feel better now having an answer after all these years as to the why of my many quirks (best Webkinz house on the web! Impressive stuffed animal collection–all named! Three dogs, two cats, four ferrets, a turtle, and a hamster, etc.) I am annoyed that he doesn’t have the same “Aha!” feeling that I do.

    So, I don’t talk about it, which is also frustrating. Any thoughts?

      1. look under author contact, if you wish to contact me on Facebook; and if you press the Facebook icon to the left, there is a community there, as well. all the best to you

  53. This is an interesting list. I think my 7 year old son has Asperger’s and he told me his favorite number is 9,999. I thought it was a very strange choice LOL. He shares many of the thoughts for your list.

  54. I am laughing so hard over here my stomach hurts. I cannot believe how many things we think/do in common!!!! Holy cow!!!!!

    “72. Doesn’t everyone have a voice reminding them what to do during a conversation: make more eye contact, step closer, nod your head, smile, but not too big, insert giggle, let them talk more.”

    I don’t know about everyone, but I sure do!!! I have started randomly stopping talking because I never know when the “right” and “appropriate” time is, so I just talk for awhile and the voice in my head goes “okay, a little longer…a little longer…almost there…okay NOW DO IT SHUT UP STOP TALKING!”

    “84. How do you turn around at the halfway point of a walk without looking silly?”

    ^^^ THIS OMGDESS!!! Yes. I cannot admit to anyone or even myself how much I have over-analyzed that problem. I didn’t know I wasn’t the only one. Thought I was nuts. I have tried various methods for turning around without looking silly. You know what is worse? When you’re walking somewhere and you realize you passed the place you wanted to stop and so you have to stop and turn around. I can’t handle that. It makes me crazy.

  55. I’m not someone that cries often at all. But I can’t stop the tears after reading through this. Thank you. Thank you for being able to get this written down. All of these things circle and swirl through my brain at any given moment but I can never remember to jot them down before I get distracted. I love being and am very proud to be an Aspie, but sometimes it is frustrating.

  56. LOL. Yes, ALL of them. Except the one about parallel parking. I’m actually quite accomplished at that, but I’ve been practicing for a hundred years. 😛 The only thing missing for me was talking to myself, sometimes in the mirror, practicing what I WOULD say if I ever got the chance (only I really wouldn’t).

  57. I am a bit confused, if I am an Aspie too. But almost all those listed above are common to me. I had also read Sara’s blog about Adult Female Aspergers Traits and I can say I see myself having those, specially when it comes to Deep Thinking, Leaving Home, Conversations and Sensitivity.
    I do love to be enlighten. Hope you can help me.

  58. BB: lol, ‘practicing what I would say if I ever got the chance’ Me Too!.
    Nachi: I’m also confused. My AQ is 27, so I say I’m aspie-like. But is the test normalized for females as well as males, how much of it is my coping with being ‘othered’ generally. Did I become more AS when I became a programmer, or that year i was exhausted, or is that why I became one (nearly)?. Did I go asexual and dress unisex because im AS or just go off boys because they’re so rude to me and try not to dress like I’m interested?
    Do I have a ‘practical haircuit’ because aspiegirls tend to, or is it I can’t communicate with hairdressers, who are not as technical or fans of symmetry as me? Or do hairdressers just do what they like?
    Am I a normie who is shy and loves geometry, and complex patterns, does my borderline score mean it’s just a personality type or a work aptitude thing? ….

    I’ve decided I don’t care. If i was diagnosed it would stop being “you women are oversensitive” to “you aspies are oversensitive”. It’s me, it’s who I am, and while im so grateful for a list to relate to and something that describes me in words I never thought of, and to know im not alone, (the list makes me laugh at my similar silly habits and feel better) we are all unique and the more people who appreciate and respect diversity in all its forms, the less time we have to spend dealing with stress and seeking out people who are just like ourselves because we are all different.
    Then the diagnosis can be left for those who are seeking and genuinely need help to get through the day. I could have used one when I was 23, but I found my way eventually anyway and now I’m just me. I like me.

  59. this is beautiful. In a post 2000 time when suddenly everyone is ‘wierd’, ‘dorky’, ‘awk’, you really captured it’s reality thru personal experience and not an american sitcom anchoring. It hurts so good.

    I wish I could share. I’m known as the wierd girl who posts the wierd things to the less curious.

    Your writing would make a succulent avant garde coffee table book. 😉 😉 Something like Edward Gorey/David Shrigley style 1 panel page format.

    1. what a cool comment. If you are looking for lots of cool quirky people check out my facebook like page, if you aren’t already there. Love the coffee table book idea. 🙂 Peace to you

  60. wow reading this made me smile so much. Wow I can relate so much to this, not all of them but the majority of them. Writing a list like that is totally something I would do, and probably the fact I am reading this list and comment at 1:16 am in the morning probably says something to.

  61. I LOL’ed so hard at some of these! Just coming to understand at 26 that I have Aspergers and I can identify with 90% of your list. Hilarious. Thanks for making it light hearted 🙂

  62. Brilliant, brilliant, thank you so much! I am 46 and my younger brother has just discovered he is AS, in the process of supporting him I find I almost certainly am as well… much reframing of life to do… then I read No.41 in the list, laughed out loud and felt relief and kinship! 🙂

  63. Wow! I love how you know everything about me before you have even met me! You are a writer like me…it just comes naturally! I just got diagnosed a month ago with Aspergers and it really messed my life up up until that point! Now I’m working on helping myself to NOT have to deal with the triggers that set it off and how to just live my life for myself and know that it doesn’t matter how other people feel about me! I am differently wired and it’s ok! Thank you SO much!! 🙂

  64. Hello. I have a question… And before I ask it, please know that this comes from curiosity and that I really want to learn. My daughter was diagnosed with autism and my husband has Asperger’s. My husband sometimes says things like “you neurotypicals don’t understand.” The result is, my feelings are hurt. He wanted me to read this website, but I really can relate to many of these points. I am shy and a little “high-strung” by nature. I have always been a little “eccentric” and “overly sensitive.” So my question is… how is my shyness and anxiety different than Asperger’s? I am asking because I don’t want to say “I do understand” because I don’t. But I would like to ask an objective opinion as to how this differs so I can better communicate with him.

    1. I often said that to my husband…. he is a kind, understanding person and it’s not a reflection of him, only of me, and how I know I see and experience the world differently. It is like being an alien, and no matter how hard I try to explain, he cannot understand what it’s like having a different way of experiencing the world. If you can, try not to take it personally. I have many girlfriends who are sensitive, eccentric, kind, loving and NT. But I am still very different in my anxiety, OCD, worry, obsession, feelings of isolation, struggles, etc. It’s a hard life with some very good highlights to it. I think maybe he just needs you to understand it’s harder than you can ever imagine. Best to you and him. x

  65. Hello,

    I laughed a lot with your list …my son , (2 years old), asked me why…because I am also the mother with the book during your activities…What’s a book? What is activities? How many activites do I have? Can you make a list ? Well as you guessed, we are a family of aspergers that are just discovering what it is and why nobody understand our way of living…I will test my son next year because school terrifies him and I don’t know how to handle that kind of situations, I think we need help but I’m terrified that psychiatrist don’t understand or say it’s all in my head…

    Sorry for my English, I live in Belgium.

    Thank you for this blog.

  66. bahahaha….Monopolising a conversation?! Moi? ME?!! Reading in bathrooms! My psych file and folder is/are ONLY rivaled by my EDSIII/GP/Endometriosis/enter-20-more-clinical, (as in somatic-vs-neuropsych) issues folder(s).Guy friends/few friends…ok, BASICALLY EVERYTHING you just listed and it’s not like you gave us a paltry 15 or 20. I am questioning if we don’t somehow have very twin-like brains.

  67. I found out I have Asperger’s as an adult and I am still wrapping my head around it in some ways. I spent a lot of time trying to look at it as something separate. For example, “Do I collect this because I have Asperger’s? Would I collect it if I didn’t? Is Asperger’s why I don’t like to go out? Is it why I love to read?” I’ve finally figured out that I can’t separate myself from it because it is me. Your website has been extremely helpful in coming to terms with that. Thank you! 🙂 Maybe soon I’ll be able to share my journey with people other than my husband and very close friends without my anxiety getting in the way!

    I would also like to add that I, too, had a mental checklist as I read this. 😉

  68. 72. and 91. Spot on list. I love it. I can relate to so much. I still struggle to understand why people say or ask things just to be polite. Honesty is so much easier for everyone!

  69. Just starting my aspergers journey. Laughed and cried my way through this list.
    Self criticism is my biggest issue, and the need to share every thought, needing to sit on my hands here 😉
    My biggest achievement is focusing my passion to fight the education system for my daughter. Think my blog shows signs of obsessiveness. http://www.familyvine.me

    1. Hi Julie… I just wanted to share a thought with you. When you are hard on yourself see if thinking this helps: I came from love… I was created from love. ❤

  70. I’m not sure whether to burst into tears and curl up in a ball with some earplugs on or jump up and down and clap. I guess I’ll go organize the shit out of that container of nuts and bolts until I overanalyze and stay up every night reading up on the subject. In other words, thank you so much.

  71. My son was recently diagnosed, and I’m starting to think maybe I have it too. So many “weird” things I’ve done my whole life or felt my whole life. Things that drive me absolutely crazy that don’t bother anyone else. Or maybe I’m just being a hypochondriac!

  72. WHY OH WHY isn’t dot point 8 listed as #3 in this list?!

    I’m groan sigh argghh -Int at the discomfort here (number 3 is also my inescapable number !!! )

  73. I finally learned I have Aspergers. Diagnosed as a child but then they forgot about it and gave me 10 million other diagnosis. 30 years later, turns out I had none of that, just Aspergers.

    I can either agree or identify with specifically nearly every single item on your list. This gave me a huge smile on my face and amazement and bliss that I finally found people I identify with. I AM NOT ALONE!!! The world really is crazy, I’m the normal one, you me and all of us, everyone else (“normal” people) are crazy!

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